
SKOS as the focal point of linked data strategies

The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) has become one of the ‘sweet spots’ in the linked data ecosystem in recent years. Especially when semantic web technologies are being adapted for the requirements of enterprises or public administration, SKOS has played a most central role to create knowledge graphs.


In this presentation we will describe why controlled vocabularies based on SKOS play a central role in a linked data strategy, and how SKOS can be enriched by ontologies and linked data to further improve semantic information management.


SKOS unfolds its potential at the intersection of three disciplines and their methods:

  • library sciences: taxonomy and thesaurus management 
  • information sciences: knowledge engineering and ontology management
  • computational linguistics: text mining and entity extraction Linked Data based IT-architectures cover all three aspects and provide means for agile data, information, and knowledge management.

In this presentation, we will speak about the following questions and topics:

  • How SKOS builds the foundation of enterprise knowledge graphs to be enriched by additional vocabularies and ontologies?
  • How can knowledge graphs be used build the backbone of metadata services in organisations?
  • How text mining can be used to create high-quality taxonomies and thesauri?
  • How can knowledge graphs be used for enterprise information integration?

In addition we will have a look at the latest release of PoolParty Semantic Suite, presenting several live demos of end-user applications based on linked data.


Presentation by Andreas Blumauer (SWC)


04.09, 2014

Vocabulary Carnival

Leipziger Kubus

Permoserstrasse 15

04318 Leipzig, Germany

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